Adana refugee camp – May 2021

On May 27, 2021 Arianna, Anna and I leave Bergamo for a new mission to support the refugee camp of Adana, Turkey. With the help of our interpreter Yahya we bring:

-Food support: powdered milk, voucher market and food aid for about 850 families are distributed.

-Medical support: we buy medicines on site with which Anna visits and treats about 130 refugees in 4 days. Most hadn't seen a doctor in 7 months. Other more complex operations not possible in the field are attempted in the nearest hospitals.

-Educational support: the rainbow tent is supplied with new material and we carry out the first live virtual twinning with an elementary class in Italy.

-Emotional support: sometimes we pause and stop being president, doctor, coordinator, interpreter, photographer. We try for a moment to be friends, playmates and briefly relieve their sense of abandonment in a limbo between a violent past and an uncertain future.

We are rewarded with hospitality, generosity and smiles.

Make them yours because without your help this would not be possible.

Thanks to all of you our supporters and not only from us!
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