I have finally made it the southernmost city of the world, Ushuaia, also capital of Tierra del Fuego province.
Unfortunately I got there only 12 hours prior my scheduled flight to Buenos Aires and managed just a glimpse of these amazing views. Every time I had looked at the map of South America my eyes were “falling down” right to the very bottom of the continent and I had always wondered what it could be like “down there”.
As soon as I dropped my luggage, I took my camera and rushed out. I bought myself a bottle of beer and stopped a taxi. I asked the driver to take me to the best viewpoint reachable before sunset and pick me up one hour later. So he did. He told me he was going to drop me off to a nearby panoramic hilltop where I could mirar la fin del mundo (see the end of the world) as this region – once a penal colony – is known.
It felt so surreal being there and picturing myself at last in this incredibly remote part of the globe. I sat on a rock in front of a lighthouse derelict, sipping my beer, taking pictures and observing the sun rapidly disappear behind the mountains. The city slowly started to glow and take over the magic of the place. I couldn’t stop thinking that beyond those lights and the towering mountains, right “on top of me”, was the whole world.