My next pin on the map was on Bariloche, my first step into Argentina. I was going to start my “slalom” all the way down to Ushuaya as all my destinations were close to the border Chile-Argentina. I got there after an 8-hour journey on a bus from Puerto Montt and, in my opinion, unless you’ve never been on the Alps or you’re not up for some trekking, rafting or shopping, there’s not much point of visiting this place. Here are a couple of shots including the one of the monument of not-so-popular Juan A. Roca
The day after I left for El Bolson. Many shops around town have signs also in Hebrew and the girls at the Tourist Office have name tags also in Hebrew. I had only two hours before my next bus to Esquel so, instead of taking Hebrew lessons I decided to walk up to a mirador (view point) and to get lost in the woods on the way back but I still managed to get my bus.
I got to Esquel around midnight. I had booked a room at the Hotel Argentino which you access from the bar which is open till 6am. The whole place could be a set for a Tarantino’s movie. Wooden floor, pool tables, smoky bar tenders and 4 customers. My room was old and dirty but – as the host put it when I asked for a discount – that was the worst but cheapest hotel in town. So I took it.